• Dutagen 0.5mg Capsule (Dutasteride)

Dutagen 0.5mg Capsule (Dutasteride)

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Dutagen 0.5mg Capsule (Dutasteride) 

Dutagen is a soft gelatin capsule made by Sun Pharmaceuticals. Its main ingredient is Dutasteride which is used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Dutagen blocks the enzyme which changes testosterone into another hormone and tends prostate to grow. This helps to shrink prostate and the saved testosterone can be used to control hair loss further.

Take this medicine with or without food doesn’t matter but you need to maintain the time interval of intake. As these are soft gelatin capsules so you don’t need to crush or chew it just swallow it completely.

There are some serious side effects caused by this drug and it may ruin your life. These side effects are decreased libido, decreased semen volume, impotence.

 Substitutes Available 

Substitutes are not available 

 Side Effects 

  1. Erectile Dysfunction 
  2. Decreased Sperm count 
  3. Dizziness


  1. Pregnancy - Consult your doctor 
  2. Breastfeeding - Consult your doctor
  3. Allergy - Contraindicated if allergic to Dutasteride or any other ingredient

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